

Randy Siegel builds the people who build organizations.

Organizations hire Randy to transform high-potential employees into a new generation of leaders. Randy gives them the leadership and communications skills they need to rise through the organization.

CEOs hire Randy to help them become more charismatic leaders, spokespeople, and ambassadors for the organizations they serve.

Individuals retain Randy when they find themselves at a crossroads in their career or life. By connecting them with their power, passion, and purpose, Randy helps them rediscover their internal navigation system so that they know which path to take.

His work is based upon a proprietary process that facilitates self-discovery to clarify personal perspective, true purpose, and professional image.

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The concept was so simple that I had missed it. “You’re trying to reach two audiences with one site,” the consultant observed.

To serve you better, I now have two websites: for organizations seeking to grow future high potential employees into future leaders and for individuals wishing to bring more power, passion, and purpose to their lives and work.

Check out my new coaching site,, and be sure to visit “Holding Space,” Also, check out my new video on the existing site,, for organizations.

Both sites feature lots of free resources that I hope you’ll take advantage of. Over the next year, I plan to add even more articles, worksheets, suggested reading, and links. Also, be on the lookout for a new podcast series that I plan to introduce this summer.

Finally, my primary e-mail address is the same: You can also reach me at

What is your sacred mission?

Recently, I developed a training module on connecting with your higher power, highest self, or high ideal. In it, I explore the benefits of developing spiritual intelligence, bringing our spiritual selves to work, and how to make work spiritual practice.

While researching the module, I ran across Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin’s wonderful story of a powerful conversation he had with a young cab driver on his way to John F. Kennedy Airport on Long Island. Here is Rabbi Salkin’s account:

“So, rabbi,” the cab driver asked while we sat in heavy traffic, “what do you say to a Jew like me who hasn’t been in a synagogue since his bar mitzvah ceremony?”

Thinking a moment, I recalled that in Hasidic lore, the ball aqalah (wagon driver) is an honored profession. So I said, “We could talk about your work.”

“What does my work have to do with religion?”

“Well, we choose how we look at the world and at life. You’re a taxi driver. But you are also a piece of the tissue that connects all of humanity. You’re taking me to the airport. I’ll go to a different city and give a couple of lectures that might touch or help or change someone. I couldn’t have gotten there without you. Your help made that connection happen.

“I heard on your two-way radio that after you drop me off, you’re going to pick up a woman from the hospital and take her home. That means that you’ll be the first non-medical person she encounters after being in the hospital. You will be a small part of her healing process, an agent in her re-entry into the world of health.

“You may then pick up someone from the train station who has come home from seeing a dying parent. You may take someone to the house of the one that he or she will ask to join in marriage. You’re a connector, a bridge builder. You’re one of the unseen people who make the world work as well as it does. This is holy work. You may not think of it this way, but yours is a sacred mission.”

Each of us has a sacred mission; connection is mine. I believe when we connect to self, others, and our highest self, power, and/or ideal, we stand in our power by becoming the full expression of all we are.

The recent work I’ve been doing around spiritual intelligence has moved me to formally recognize my mission, and I can think of no better way to accomplish this than with a ritual. I asked Bob Johnson, former bishop of Western North Carolina for the Episcopal Church and a past neighbor, for his help.

On Sunday, July 6, Bob performed a blessing to commission my work. A small group of friends attended. During the blessing, I made the pledge to approach work with intention, attention, invitation, and gratitude, four keys of making work spiritual practice.

I love my work, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve. Doesn’t all work have the capacity to be a sacred mission when we seek to serve?


Copyright Randy Siegel 2007. All rights reserved.