Randy Siegel builds the people who build organizations.
Organizations hire Randy to transform high-potential employees into a new generation of leaders. Randy gives them the leadership and communications skills they need to rise through the organization.
CEOs hire Randy to help them become more charismatic leaders, spokespeople, and ambassadors for the organizations they serve.
His work is based upon a proprietary process that facilitates self-discovery to clarify personal perspective, true purpose, and professional image.
For more information, contact: Randy@buildyourleaders.com
Asheville, NC
Atlanta, GA
Washington, D.C.
Phone: 828.236.0045
Toll Free:
Postcard from Asheville, N.C.
In less than two weeks, I will return to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. My traveling buddy Andrew will accompany me. (Andrew and I went to Argentina this time last year.) In addition to much needed R&R, I plan to take a few drawing classes.
If you have not already done so, please check out my new website, http://www.buildyourleaders.com In order to more clearly communicate what I do, I repositioned my practice. The ‘brand” has become Randy Siegel, not PowerHouse Communications, and the new URL reflects this change.
You may be particularly interested in:
The blog. Because of your strong response to the eNewsletter, I have added a blog. Each week, you’ll find ramblings, rantings, raves, tips, and valuable information that you can use in your career and life. For More Details.
An expanded resource section, including new Web links, a reading list, free worksheets, and other tools to help you get ahead.http://www.buildyourleaders.com/resources.php
New training and coaching offerings, including a residential program in Asheville, N.C., for those ready to take their careers – indeed their entire lives – to the next level. http://www.buildyourleaders.com/training.php
The photo on the home page is generating some controversy. An equal number of you have e-mailed to say that you found the photo "cool" or "creepy." What do you think? Click here to take survey
Finally, please change my e-mail address to randy@buildyourleaders.com.
This month, we’ll look at speeding through life’s lessons.
Speeding Through Life's Lessons
Many clients say “this is hard” when they’re working on self-awareness. They are right; it is hard stuff, and it reminds me of something that recently happened.
I was on my way to my art group. We meet at A-B Tech on Tuesday mornings. About fifteen of us gather to paint for four hours. Now, I am the youngest participant by about fifteen years, and I am no spring chicken. While the others are painting covered bridges and beautiful floral still lives, I am working on some tougher stuff. I am painting penises and vaginas. They think I’m nuts.
But, I digress. I was on my way to art group. I like to be the first one there in order to get a good easel, and I am in a rush. I am always in a rush.
I am about five minutes from my home, and around a bend there’s an Asheville Police car. Damn! Right in front of the school, just waiting on me. I slam on my breaks and creep past him like a dog with its tail between its legs. I drive another fifty feet, and suddenly he pulls out. Am I safe? No light. Just when I breathe a sigh of relief the blue lights come on. My stomach sinks. Perhaps you know the feeling.
I was clocked at 35 in a 20 mile-per-hour speed zone. I was nailed: $120 fine. ($10 ticket; $110 court cost)
Not two weeks later, I was driving to Washington, D.C. and flew by a state patrolman. I was going 77 in a 65-mile-per-hour zone. Another ticket; this one for $110.
I believe that what happens in our outer life reflects what is going on in our inner one. At the time, I was going through a huge period of growth. I was in a relationship that was challenging several intimacy issues that I have, like abandonment and feeling I am not enough.
Instead of putting some space around these issues so that they could sink in, I was speeding through them. To be honest, it was painful to dredge this stuff up and I just wanted it to go away.
The Universe is giving me a message to slow down, and I realize that I’d better take heed. But to be on the safe side, I’m also buying a radar detector.
Copyright Randy Siegel 2007. All rights reserved.